Bulgarian Chess Club

Bulgarian Chess Club

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Торино 2006
M-tel Masters 2006
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27 Ноември 06, 17:02 / Автор: ICC
World Chess Challenge: Kramnik vs. Machine
From November 25th to December 5th 2006, World Champion Vladimir Kramnik (Russia) and Deep Fritz (Germany), will be squaring off against one another in the Man vs. Machine duel. This competition will be held in the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn. The exclusive sponsor of WCC 2006 is Essen-based energy and chemicals company RAG.

There will be six games in the duel. If he is victorious, Kramnik will win one million US dollars. Otherwise, the World Champion will walk away with only half that amount.

it ICC WEBCAST Schedule
(All times are US eastern. Add 5 hours for GMT. Add 6 hours for CET)

  • Game 1: Saturday, November, 25th at 9 a.m.
    Mig Greengard and GM Joel Benjamin
  • Game 2: Monday, November, 27th at 9 a.m.
    IM Bill Paschall and GM Larry Christiansen
  • Game 3: Wednesday, November, 29th at 9 a.m.
    IM Bill Paschall and GM Joel Benjamin
  • Game 4: Friday, December, 1st at 9 a.m.
    IM Bill Paschall and GM Larry Christiansen
  • Game 5: Sunday, December, 3rd at 9 a.m.
    IM Bill Paschall and GM Gregory Kaidanov
  • Game 6: Tuesday, December, 5th at 9 a.m.
    Dan Heismann and Vasik Rajilich

    Match information

    Time Control of the games
    The players shall each have to make 40 moves in two hours followed by 16 moves per hour thereafter provided that in the event that a game has not been completed within six hours it may be adjourned to the following day at Kramnik's discretion when play will continue at the rate of 16 moves/hour for a further six hours.

    The Winner
    The winner of the match will be the first Player to score more than 3 points. It is intended to award the winner the World Chess Challenge Trophy. If the match is decided before the six games set out in paragraph “Dates” have been played, Mr Kramnik will continue to play until the conclusion of the sixth game or offer his services in any way agreeable to both Parties.

    Kramnik's declarations
    "The machine is the clear favorite, but don't discount me just yet. I know some top players would be very nervous about playing the computer – they might even avoid this kind of match. That's understandable since a cut-and-dried defeat can affect your future game. Of course, this computing monster keeps getting better year by year, month by month, day by day: My opponent will be incredibly strong. But I think I can still beat it. Whenever I can fight, I'm extremely motivated. After all, I might be the last human being to be able to defeat this machine. My team and I will be expending all our efforts to cut this so-called artificial intelligence down to size."

    Match's antecedents
    So after years of technological change and progress, WCC 2006 will add a new chapter to the long history of chess duels between human and artificial intelligence. The two players – Vladimir Kramnik and Deep Fritz – have already clashed once: Back in 2002 in Bahrain, World Champion Kramnik finished the match against the machine with a 4:4 tie.

    it Related information

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