Bulgarian Chess Club

Bulgarian Chess Club

Рейтинг: 3.00
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ШК Енергия - 64
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Торино 2006
M-tel Masters 2006
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Избрани партии / Чарбуниу - Ананд

Чарбуниу - Ананд
24.07.06 09:29

Вземи в gLOG
Charbonneau,P (2510) - Anand,V (2803) [B44]
37th Olympiad Turin ITA (12), 03.06.2006

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 Nf6 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 This line of the Sicilian leads to an acceptable Hedgehog formation.White loses many tempi with his knight which moves 6 times before finding a good square. 8...Be7 9.Be2 0-0 10.0-0 b6 11.Bf4 Bb7 12.Qd2 Ne5 13.f3 Qc7 14.Rac1 Rac8 15.Rfd1 Qb8 16.Kh1 Rfe8 Black's problem, particularly because being rated 300 points higher he wanted to win, is that White can prevent d6-d5 and b6-b5 and just await events if he wants indefinitely 17.Bf1 Kh8 18.Be3 Ba8 19.Bg1 Rg8 20.Qe3 One of the most effective ways of trampling on a Hedgehog is to pressure b6 and then prepare a gradual queenside push 20...Ned7 21.Nab1 g5 This plan was used by Bobby Fischer in a famous game played against Ulf Andersson in 1970 however Ulf had no play on the queenside. 22.Nd2 Bd8 23.b4 Bc7 24.Qe1 Rg6 25.Bd3 Ne5 26.Be2 Rcg8 [26...d5 27.cxd5 exd5 28.Bxa6] 27.Be3 Rh6 27...Nh5 28.g3 Rh6] 28.Nf1 Rgg6 29.Qd2 Qg8 Abandoning the queenside 30.a4 Bb7 31.c5 dxc5 32.bxc5 bxc5 33.Rb1 Bc6 34.Bxc5 a6 is falling 34...g4 Without this move Black's play makes no sense but it fails 35.f4 g3 [35...Ned7 36.Be3 Ba5 37.f5 Nxe4 38.Qc1 Nxc3 39.fxg6 Nxe2 40.Qxc6] 36.fxe5 Nxe4 37.Nxe4 Bxe4 38.Bd3 Bxg2+ [38...Bxd3 39.Qxd3 gxh2 40.Ne3 wins] 39.Qxg2 gxh2 40.Bxg6 Rxg6 41.Ng3 [41.Qxh2?? Qa8+; 41.Qf3 Rg1+ 42.Kxh2 Bxe5+ 43.Kh3 Rg6 44.Rb4 also wins but is too scary for a human.] 41...Rxg3 42.Qe4 Rg4 43.Be7! [43.Be7 Rxe4 44.Bf6+ Qg7 45.Rb8+ Bxb8 46.Rd8#]


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Парола: Забравена парола
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